If you have never heard of sensory processing disorder you are not the only one. Most parents do not know what this is until their child is diagnosed with the disorder. The difficulty is that even with a diagnosis, you as a parent may have no clear and final definition of what makes your kid tick. Every kid is different and it can take time to identify your child’s sensory triggers.
According to the website Understood.org, children with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) “may be oversensitive or undersensitive to the world around them. When the brain receives information, it gives meaning to even the smallest bits of information. Keeping all that information organized and responding appropriately is challenging for them.”
As unique as your child is, so is the way their brain processes things like smell, taste and touch. Some kids never notice the feeling of a tag on their shirt, or the seam in their socks. But there are kids who are so distracted by this sensation that they can cry or scream, or even become aggressive. If you have a kid with sensory issues you are not alone! One in twenty children live with some varying degree of sensory processing disorder. Navigating daily life can be a struggle, let alone having to wear an itchy costume in a crowded, loud setting.
Both of my children have mild sensory issues which mostly involves volume levels and large crowds. When they were little I didn’t take them very far on Halloween. The year we let them choose on their own which houses to stop at was the year they decided they liked trick or treating. Now we let them take us as far as they want to go, we carry extra snacks and we call it quits when they get overwhelmed. We begin our evening slow and head home in time to hand out treats.
I polled some of my mom friends who are in the know about sensory processing and the sensory demands of Halloween. The best piece of advice: is to not force your child beyond their limits. Halloween activities are for their enjoyment and it is OK to let them enjoy activities in their own way. If your child can only handle wearing a small piece of their costume, or no costume at all, let that be enough. My friend Erin shares that one year she let her son go as himself at his request. “Thankfully the people around us accepted that. And he had a great Halloween because he could do his own thing.”
Select a costume that is mask free, or does not require face paint. Let your kids use their own familiar clothing as part of their costume to help them enjoy dressing up. For kids with auditory sensory issues, using noise cancelling headphones works great. For kids who are sensitive to bright lights, start your trick or treat night as early as possible and take advantage of the day light. If your child tires easily map out a short route, or bring along a wagon to let them take a break. And again, it’s OK if you cut your time short and head back home early.
Being a parent of a child with sensory issues can feel overwhelming, but imagine being the child who is struggling to process so much sensory information at once. It can provoke a lot of anxiety not knowing what is happening next. Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant Gina Bergdall suggests allowing your child to carry a fidget toy. This will allow them a constructive “place to focus their anxiety on.” Bergdall also shares these tips provided by the American Occupational Therapy Association.
It may also be helpful to pick only a few places to trick or treat and review that plan with your child before hand. If they know they are only going to 5 or 6 houses nearby, they can feel a sense of control ticking the number of houses off the list. Seeing familiar faces can also make them feel more at ease.
If your child is overly sensitive to crowds or noises there is no rule that mandates they go trick or treating. You can make some really amazing traditions right at home. Bake some great treats, make a fun meal together, or if they want to, let them help with handing out candy. Invite the grandparents or family over for pizza and a movie. There is no wrong way to participate in Halloween! Staying at home where it is familiar may be just what your child needs to celebrate comfortably.
I get it moms! Having to make these kinds of accommodations often feels like our children are missing out on experiences other kids get to have, or the experiences we had as kids. But really, the holiday is about our kid’s enjoyment. If that looks different than the way other families celebrate, that’s OK. Embrace your unique traditions! If your child is comfortable at home watching Halloween specials and eating popcorn, join them! Deciding to follow their lead helps them feel capable! Plus, sharing a special night in together as your Halloween tradition is way more relaxing than walking around in the cold wearing a cookie cutter costume.
The Whatever Mom is a twin mom learning to let go of perfection. She shares her real life struggles with parenting through her blog and contributes her time and talents as a writer to Hudson Valley Parent and Masshole Mommy. When she isn’t writing you can find her chugging coffee, folding laundry and not judging other parents. Don’t forget to subscribe via email so you never miss a blog post again! You can also find her work featured on Mamapedia
I love having Halloween parties at home. My littlest and I trick or treat for a little while but then we come home, raid the candy, wear pajamas, drink hot chocolate and watch “scary” movies. I think staying in is more fun than going out but then I think I have more sensory issues than any of my kids do. Thanks for sharing.
I love a cozy pajama night over walking laps in the cold! 😉 Sounds like you make the most of the holiday together.
For my students at school who had these types of issues, I had them helping me with my work of distributing snacks, carrying messages, decorating, whatever I could do to make it seem like a party to them. A lot of my students would choose to read in the library. I always made sure I spent some quality time with them. Some of my most fond memories!
Awe…I love that as an educator you took the time to understand your students, and help them make some special memories too!
Love the traditions at home! Honestly, its so much nicer to celebrate at home in a fun and majorly thematic way. The weather (in most states) is freezing…its dark and the social stuff (going to unfamiliar persons homes) can be too much. Home sounds perfect!
Wow, you have really shared some great tips here. I have friends who have children with sensory issues. I love that you express that we should all embrace our families differences.
One year I did our own trick or treating in the house and had my kids go from bedroom to bedroom. I bought nicer candy and they had a blast!
I have never heard of this disorder. My son was never diagnosed for it, but I think he had this issue when he was a child. It was very mild though, that I didn’t think it was actually an issue.
I think it’s common for everyone to have some kind of sensitivity to sounds, or textures, or lights. I’m glad to hear your son outgrew it.
I have never heard of this before and I’m glad I came across this post. It would be nice to be aware of things like this that your child can suffer from. Thanks for sharing your experience as well.
Thanks for reading!
This is such good information. Thank you for speaking out and informing others about the needs of children with sensory processing disorders.
Thanks for reading!
I can relate to a lot of this. Thank you for the great tips. The boys always pick costumes with masks, but then they don’t want to wear them later. Never thought of encouraging to get one without. Thank you!
I always go with whatever is the easiest! 🙂 I’ve been known to make costumes with a T-shirt and sharpies!
Such an important post for those who are not familiar with sensory processing disorders and how Halloween can be made easier.
Thanks! I wanted to help parents feel OK about having a different Halloween. Helps our kids feel OK too.
Thanks for the important post that You share. I will keep this in my mind. It really helps.
Thanks for sharing this as I’d never heard of this before but may have worked with kids which have this but are undiagnosed. A great thing todo is let your kid controil Halloween night and let them pick, it can certainly get overwhelming!
There is so much more to do now to celebrate Halloween than when I was a kid. We only had ONE night of trick or treating. Now so many businesses, colleges, malls, nursing homes, fire stations, schools and churches offer activities where kids can get treats. That’s a few nights worth. Plenty of ways for kids to enjoy!
I have never heard of kids with issues like this! This is interesting to see your take on it. Thanks for sharing.
It’s extremely common. Even typical folks have sensory issues too. Ever get annoyed at the sound of someone chewing, or clicking a pen, or feel the need to twirl your hair. While you may be soothed by these actions, those around you who can’t filter it out, are over stimulated by the noise and become annoyed. But adults learn to filter most of that background stuff out and have learned socially appropriate response.
These are great tips! I think it’s important for kids to feel like they have some control over what happens on Halloween.
And it should be fun for everyone!
Kids should enjoy this holiday at their ease. It’d be nice to if parents aware of these sensory processing disorders, helping their children experience the excitement and the fun of Halloween without any pressure on kids on how to celebrate it and what to wear as their costume.
My kids just care about the candy and getting treats. There is no requirement they wear a mask to get those things. 🙂
My nephew is autistic, and though he is low on the spectrum I do sometimes notice how certain things can overstimulate him. I’m always happy to read blog posts like these that help parents deal with sensory issues and also educate others about sensory sensitivity. Understanding about kids needs can make this world a kinder place.
I agree! Kids with “special needs” just wanna be kids too and they deserve to have fun too!!
Ours is very low key – we tend to just go up one street and then home. The kids enjoy having people come to our house though and passing out candy.