I am not the biggest fan of packing school lunches, but my favorite part of lunch prep is surprising my kids with a a fun note! Neither of my kiddos enjoy my affectionate words showing up in their public lunch boxes (so NOT COOL mom!). But they secretly enjoy that I think of them. So, I compromise and I write out some positive quotes, or affirmations that they can feel comfortable if others catch a peep. And this way, other kids don’t feel left out because they didn’t have someone sending in “I love you so much” or “you are my sunshine.”

I began tucking little notes inside my kids’ lunch boxes when I sent them off to Kindergarten, and it has been a hit ever since. That first year of ‘big school’ we were all so anxious about being apart. It was really hard on my twins to separate from me and from each other, and it was hard on me to no longer spend my days with them. My silly notes transformed our anxiety into an ice breaker to empower my kids to make new friends. I won’t pretend to be perfect and say I’ve sent one in every single day since then, because let’s be real, our days can get messy. However, my kids honestly still look forward to these notes as a tangible reminder I am thinking of them in the middle of their day.

My old system for making notes!

During COVID my elementary school aged kids ate lunch in their classrooms to avoid over crowding in the cafeteria. They began reading their notes out loud to the kids around them, and one day the kids started asking to hear what note was included in their lunch box this time. My daughter’s teacher sent home an email commenting how everyone felt encouraged by the notes and quoted my child, “I hope she never stops sending me notes, even when I’m in high school.”  It is a great feeling to know both my tweens look forward to this lunchbox tradition. (And I have it documented in an email that I will waive at her when she claims she no longer wants the notes).

So far, my tools have been simple; I use a sticky note and a Sharpie. I Google some inspirational quotes, or funny jokes and write them on the stickies. I attach to each of my kids’ water bottles inside their lunchboxes. Do you want to laugh? My kids are in the 5th grade now, and it *just* occurred to me, that I can print out a bunch of colorful notes ahead of time to make it easier during those busy week night pack sessions.

My NEW system for making notes!

I love making shareable content parents can really use! That’s why I created a free, fun printable exclusively for my subscribers. It contains three weeks worth of inspirational and motivational phrases, along with a blank page to hand write your own sentiments. That’s a full month of lunch box notes ready to go! And I’m sharing it with anyone who signs up for my weekly newsletter!

Once you download your free lunchbox notes, just clip and toss into your kiddos lunchbox or back pack– and you are MOM OF THE YEAR! Ha! If only it were that simple right? But this *does* make it easier to share the love with your children without spending a lot of time creating new notes every day.

Click the button below to get your free exclusive printable!

Do you have a favorite quote or affirmation? Comment below to share! I am always up for some inspiration and good vibes. 😊

If you would like to connect with a community of moms who are positive, uplifting and here to support, join me in my circle of moms private Facebook group.

Sharing is Caring:

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