My husband bought me a Fitbit for my birthday last year. Not because he thinks I’m out of shape but he knows how much I want one. I find myself in need of something to keep track of my bad habits so I can start to create new ones (sounds logical right?). Self care is such a struggle for me and I need all the help I can get!
The step counter is not 100% accurate. Somehow I can walk several hundred steps while driving my car; and I can just wave my hand (because who can talk without moving their hands?) and it will count as a step. Kind of a bummer right? But, that is because I am too focused on the numbers and not on how much fun I can have with my Fitbit!
Here is how I’m loving using my Fitbit HR Charge:
Connecting my Fitbit app through Facebook has connected me to other friends using a Fitbit too! It’s like having a virtual support group. Knowing other people can see my activity level helps with accountability.
This has got to be my most favorite feature. I’m not one to compete for the biggest car, or the biggest house or the best of any material goods. But, we set a goal together and I will take you down! I got my first invite to a Work Week Hustle challenge and I was making it a point to go get every little request my family had. “You need a napkin, I’ll get it!” “You need me to pick up that tiny piece of lint all the way on the other side of the house? I’ll get it!” After all more movement means more steps which means I win!
Now, I can easily track how much water I drink each day. I found a 16 oz. cup that I really enjoy using and every time I empty it I just add to the tracker before filling up again. This has actually helped me set a better habit to increase my water intake! (See bad habit identified, new habit created. My system works!).
Using this tracker has been super helpful in making healthier choices. I am a stress eater and I graze all day. All of that adds up and I have no idea why my jeans suddenly have a little less room in them. I know, simple math – calories in, calories out. Since I am horrible with numbers and I don’t have room to carry around a bulky notebook to write everything down this is a handy feature! What makes it even easier to use is the scanning option. I can scan the bar code on the package of my snacks or food items, and if it is in the database it will register the calories for a serving size. If a code is not in the system you can snap pics of the code and the packaging to help add it to the database.
This is such a huge help for me! My kids actually sleep through the night but I don’t. I typically sleep between 3 and 6 hours per night. You’d think I’d get more done with those extra hours. But… I’m TIRED! Knowing where my sleep deceits are helps me know when I need to kick my self care into high gear and really stick to routines.
Even though I was disappointed at first because I felt like it wasn’t 100% accurate, I realize now our bodies are not an exact science anyway. Finding a truly 100% way to track what’s happening may not exist for the home user. But, that’s OK. I sure am having fun and enjoying how my Fitbit keeps me connected to my goals!
Got a Fibit? Wanna race? *wink*
The Whatever Mom is a twin mom learning to let go of perfection. She shares her real life struggles with parenting through her blog and contributes her time and talents as a writer to Hudson Valley Parent and Masshole Mommy. When she isn’t writing you can find her chugging coffee, folding laundry and not judging other parents. Don’t forget to subscribe via email so you never miss a blog post again!
I love what all that can do! I’m wearing an UP bracelet but yours does so much more! I don’t think I would be much of a race for you, though!
My husband LOVES his Fitbit. He is wanting the new Alta that just came out. I have a different brand of activity tracker and may need to start looking into getting a Fitbit of my own. These features are great!
my co workers are obsessed with their fitbit and they have this constant competition going in. It’s cool that you’re into it too! Great post xx
My husband and father-in-law love their Fitbits. They are constantly checking on each other’s status and trying to do better. It’s a great motivation.
I agree! Every night my husband and I check against each other for steps and miles. Mostly for fun.
we’ve never used fit bits but have more curious lately. The one you’ve shared in this post seems amazing.
I have avoided getting a FitBit so far because I’m so worried that I’ll get totally obsessive with it! I know it would benefit my health, but I think I would get REALLY competitive!
I hear that so much from my friends too! I try to see it as a helpful tool vs. the end all be all.
I haven’t jumped on the Fitbit bandwagon yet. I do like the idea of tracking my sleep, since I am so awful at it.
That has really been helpful! Also tracking my heart rate has been a good feature when I get to the doc office.
My husband has an older fitbit and I’ve been trying to convince him I need one. Now that I know all of what the new fitbit can do I want it even more!!!
You can Google Fitbit Hacks and find some extra things it can do. It has been a helpful tool for my overall health.
My husband has one of these and one day it said he only took one step that day lol. It also said he had an hour of sleep while he drove to work… em, maybe not. Love the extras in this though.
I have been wanting to get a fitbit. How fun that it can track water and sleep. I can’t wait to get one.
I am terrible with getting enough water each day. This makes it so easy! You can set personal alarms to remind you to do things like drink water, get up and move, etc.
I got a FitBit Charge HR last summer also, actually the purple one too like the picture 🙂 I have an autoimmune arthritis which has damaged my feet. I was actually going to write a post on how it’s helped me figure out my disease. I can’t race but I do love everything it can track to help me figure out my body!
I’ve been able to track health data to take to my doc. It’s great for more than just exercise! 😉
I had the original body media band several years ago before the fit bit craze…. Im always saying I need to get one, …. and its purple? LOVE IT!!
I had a fitbit that I loved. Somehow it ended up at college with my son. How did that happen? #momprobs haha
I have this and love it. Its so much fun when me and my girlfriends challenge eachother with the step count. My favorite!
I still haven’t jumped on track with a fitbit but I definitely need to I know I would be motivated way more !
i have been thinking about getting a fitbit but this might be the final motivation to get me to the store.
I want a FitBit, I have wanted one for a while now and am thinking about ordering one. My oldest son wants one for school, his principal wears one and tells all the kids to wear one to see how much they actually walk during the day.