Recently a group of my mom friends and I gathered for a game night event that can only be described as adventurous. Nothing about it was hazardous. We didn’t even leave the living room. We simply gathered to play just one game: Cards against Humanity.
Let me start by sharing that this game is NOT for anyone who is uptight, or timid about hearing and using colorful language that includes descriptive sex acts, body parts, bodily functions and worse. The list of offenses can go on. But, now that the disclaimer is out there let me share why this game was so much fun!
As moms we spend our entire day being appropriate. We model for our kids the appropriate topics to discuss at the dinner table. We teach them to use manners and respectful language. We even refrain, with intervention from a force deep inside, from dropping the ole F-bomb on a daily basis. I KNOW I’m not the only one who has stepped on a Lego piece and held back a generous amount of curse words.
Our night wasn’t about getting together to use bad words and yuck it up over innuendos. It was about getting to share some laughs. Plus, it was nice to be in a kid free space eating snacks we didn’t have to share, and drinking our own beverages. We didn’t have to worry about whispering or spelling out words our kids can’t spell yet. We could really relax and know no one will judge us for the non-politically correct things leaving our mouths because we could blame it on the cards. No one panicked about “how am I going to explain this to my kid later.” The freedom to let loose and go uncensored was darned exhilarating.
After the game was over and the cards put away a group of us lingered to talk. We were up well passed our routine bed times. The last time I was up until 1:00 a.m. it included a puke bucket and a thermometer. So, it was a thrill to be up that late catching up with moms I only get to toss out a quick hello to in passing.
I highly recommend starting your own game night with friends! You don’t have to play this game, any game will do. Just find a kid free space to let down your mommy-guard for a short time and relax. I know I felt refreshed and ready to tackle my mom duties the next day.
Tips for hosting an Epic Game Night:
Make sure you have a place for the kiddos to go. Whether it is off to grandma’s house, or upstairs with daddy, you will want a distraction free environment. Make it a place you can truly relax.
Ask everyone to bring their favorite snack to share! It can be as simple as chips and dip, or as fancy as a decadent dessert. Can’t go wrong with store bought!
Decide in advance on beverages. If you want an alcohol free space, or if you would like to include a little wine, make sure your guests know what to expect in your home.
Don’t worry about cleaning the house to white glove standards. You’re inviting moms! They get it! Just make sure there are plenty of comfy places to sit and maybe clean up some of the sticky parts.
Have the group decide on a game and let the fun begin! The mission of game night is to just laugh and connect with friends. Keep the game simple and energetic and the crowd will do the rest!
Got a game night suggestion? Leave it in the comments below!
The Whatever Mom is a full-time wife and twin mama living on coffee and wine. She enjoys the pure rush of cleaning the BIG potty between loads of laundry. It is her dream that moms everywhere accept and embrace the Whatever Mom philosophy which can be found here.
Find more from Roxanne at Hudson Valley Parent and at Masshole Mommy
I have been dying to play that game. My sister in law has it and keeps saying she’s going to do a game night, so I am holding off until she does before I go out and buy it myself.
I haven’t ever played the game before, but I keep seeing it everywhere and I really want to! It looks like so much fun!
I have had so many of my friends tell me that I need to play this game!
I hear it’s hilarious! Just waiting for the next games night so we can get in on the fun.
So glad you enjoyed it! I was introduced to it in my last year of uni when I was living with mates and it is a right hoot I loved it.
I love board games and I love the idea of game night! So fun and a great way to connect face to face if you can get everyone off their phone!
Looks like you guys had a great time. I have YET to play CAH, but it seems absolutely hilarious. Game nights are always a win in my book!
Ladies, you are incredible! I loved reading about your game and words, sometimes we all need to “express” ourselves)))
What a great fun night out. KI have not heard of this game, seems like a blast!
Sounds like a great game – I have not yet played it, although I know many friends who really enjoy it. I like the idea of a mom’s game night. I am going to see if I can get that worked out with my college friends 🙂
this game is just wrong on so many levels but it is such a blast to play. i was introduced to it at a family party of all places.
I’ve played this game several times with girlfriends. We have had so much fun every time!
What a fun time! I am not typically a game person – too competitive and a sore loser 🙂 But, I think I could definitely have fun with this game and a bunch of girlfriends!
I have been dying to play that game! I’ve only heard great things about it! Looks like it was a fun girl’s night. And yes, finding a place for the kiddos to go is a must!
I would love a girls game night. Sounds like fun.
I haven’t played this game. It looks fun! You ladies had a blast.
Haha Cards Against Humanity is definitely not for everyone. Colorful language is putting it mildly 🙂
Ong I just love this game!!!! Afew months back I hit together with afew bloggers and we played this and omg… Had a blast!