I am not a morning person. Even though I am early to rise I do not like people in my space first thing in the morning. I am up an hour before my kids so I can enjoy my hot coffee in the silence of the morning. I’m happy to sacrifice that extra hour of sleep for an extra hour of sanity in my day.
My one daughter bounces out of bed and runs laps through the house with a smile on her face. My other daughter rarely wakes up in a good mood. I enter her room with trepidation because waking her up is like lighting a stick of dynamite. You only have a matter of seconds before the big BOOM! (If I had bothered reading her instruction manual at birth I might have noticed the warning label, “Danger Explosive.”).
After I have my coffee and I tiptoe as long as I can, I wake up my girls and ask them what they want for breakfast. My first daughter replies, “Cereal with milk.” I quickly accommodate her. My second daughter replies, “A soufflé.”
Me: <blink. blink.> “Really? A soufflé?”
Her: “Yes, a soufflé!”
Me: “How do you even know what a soufflé is? I’ve never made a soufflé.”
Her: “I know I will like it and I want it, NOW!”
Me: “Well, since it is 15 minutes before we need to leave and you are still in pajamas you can have Cheerios, or Rice Crispies.”
I walk away and leave her crying on the floor over the soufflé she’ll never get. I have no idea what this ridiculous request is about. Is she testing me? Is she pushing a boundary? Is she delusional? I’m not sure what in our history together leads her to believe I am going to make her a soufflé, but it’s just not going to happen. Sorry kid.
Twenty minutes later her screams finally die out. I wipe her nose and explain, “Sometimes we just need to accept from the two options we are given. Making up a third option does not make it an option.” She takes a breath, “OK Mama. I’ll have the Cheerios.”
I felt exhausted, but victorious.
That is until she puts on socks. This is what my child wore to school:
After the go-round about the soufflé I didn’t have anything left in me to argue over pink, glittery, knee-high socks over top of her purple pants. It was simply dashing when coordinated with her pink and gray camo jacket and neon green trimmed sneakers. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and thought to myself, “Oh whatever… it’s just socks and it’s preschool.” Besides we are already 10 minutes late and if I say no to the socks we will have to tango for another 20 minutes.
I have learned to let these little things go. If she feels like she has control over the small things then she feels like she can be a winner. One day she’ll learn that I will always win at the big stuff because the big stuff is important. The big stuff is where she will know my love for her.
I consider it an important lesson in life to teach her that screaming and yelling to get her way is not acceptable. I know we are going to bump heads a lot in life thanks to our very strong wills, but butting heads over socks is not what I want her to remember. I want her to remember I said no when it really matters. In the grand scheme of things her outfits do not personify her character. So, I give up expecting her to wear “normal” outfits. But, I won’t give up expecting she use kind words and a calm voice.Â
If you have a strong willed child like mine, hang in there!! And, don’t be afraid to stand your ground on the big things and just let those little things go (like socks). Let your kids have these small victories. I promise you’ll both walk away feeling like a winner.Â
The Whatever Mom is a full-time wife and twin mama living on coffee and wine. She enjoys the pure rush of cleaning the BIG potty between loads of laundry. It is her dream that moms everywhere accept and embrace the Whatever Mom philosophy which can be found here.
Find more from Roxanne at Hudson Valley Parent and at Masshole Mommy
I have a strong willed child and it’s tough sometimes. I definitely have to pick my battles, but I try not to sweat the small stuff.
I have 3 strong willed children. It seems like we have battles everyday but we are learning to pick our battles while also teaching our kids that they will not always get what they want or do what they want.
I used to be a huge morning person. No more. My teenager used to have crazy style when she was little and I just ran with it. We liked to mix patterns.
you, Moms, are superheroes! Do you know that?))
Awe you’re the sweetest for saying that!
Oh wow that outfit is quite something. I don’t blame you though after all the trauma you went through to get her to eat Cheerios!
I have to say that souffle comment made me laugh! Sounds like you know how to pick your battles! I don’t have kids yet but I still get up an hour early for coffee and me time before the craziness of the day!
My daughter would wear stripes with plaids because “They both have lines, Mom!” and really, it’s hard to argue with that logic. The kid has impeccable taste now at 16, and I often ask her opinion/approval on what I am wearing.
So you are saying there is hope! 🙂
I am so not a morning person either. I have one child who wakes up filled with joy and two crabby pants kiddos that I steer clear of!
I am laughing out loud with, “I steer clear of!”
Once again, IN. LOVE. This was so similar to one of our battles today. Where in your 2 year old mind did you think having quarters in your mouth was okay??? And why, sweet Jesus, WHY…. DID GRANDMA GIVE YOU LOOSE CHANGE?! You’re 2. You don’t know how to count much past 10, let alone understand the quarter is a filthy pieced “knicknack”. So, please. Just STOP. Soufflé or socks. Quarters or germs. It’s all relevant. Some battles are worth fighting. Others, nope. It is about those little (and sometimes big) victories. I am TIRED.
I’ve always said I’d like to spend just 5 minutes inside the mind of a toddler. What makes them think of putting strange things in their mouth!? LOL
Oh my word. I giggled a little about the souffle. I am not a morning person at all. At ALL! Rough days!
I can totally relate to your daughter’s outfit. My daughter found a pair of pink batman socks in one of the bins of bigger clothes that have been passed down to us, and she wears them over leggings. Most of her outfit choices are really wild, but somehow she pulls them off. And I’m like you– it’s not worth fighting over those little things. Heck, maybe they’ll end up being fashion designers 🙂
I am not nor have I ever been a morning person. However my daughter is, go figure, so she is nice & let’s me sleep a little extra on the weekends since she knows I stay up late, lol
Early morning is my favorite time of day. 4:00 to be exact.
I actually woke up this morning before my kids did and it was fantastic.
I have become a morning person over the years, because my oldest is an early riser – the one with the smile on her face, that is her 🙂 I try to let the little things go…for the most part. Sometimes they will wear me down though, and I’m working on that!
I am not a morning person, but I became one because the kids are up early. NOw that I’m used to it, I actually love it.
Lol…your daughter had to make one last stand. Please tell us what she thinks when she finally gets that soufflé.
I am not a morning person either but I have found that starting the day with yoga helps me out a lot
It does help…when I remember to do it! lol
I am not a morning person either! However, because I work from home and get to work when I’m ready to work, meaning I can sleep in a little longer, I don’t mind getting up early on the days that I have to be up for something. Regardless, I’m still not a morning person though!
That sounds familiar!!! Great blog x