It’s the twelfth and final day of my service series! I hope you have enjoyed all the fun ways my kids and I give back during the holidays. Now there is nothing saying you have to do all twelve service projects or any projects at all. You can pick one that is the easiest and most affordable for you! Or, you can schedule it for another part of the year that is more manageable for you.
Being a stay at home mom for five years now means we’ve had to survive on one income. There were a couple of tight years when my husband had to work two jobs.  He delivered newspapers in the early, dark mornings on his way to his regular 9-5 job. He never had a morning off and he worked every holiday. It did not matter that there was a drop of 26 inches of snow overnight people STILL demanded their $1.00 newspaper be delivered directly to their door. I don’t know how my husband kept that job for two years. But, when providing for a family you do whatever it takes.
This gave me a much deeper perspective and appreciation for people in service positions. From the person who delivers the newspaper, the mail carrier to the people who take away your garbage- we NEED them! Their jobs are valuable because they make our lives convenient and comfortable. For this I think they deserve some recognition and some gratitude. So, today we decorated our mail box!
Without fail through sleet, through snow and rain our mail arrives! I would not want to walk miles in the rain to deliver a flyer, or worse bills that brings stress to many families. HOWEVER, they do get to bring me some cheer at Christmas! They fill my box each day in December with cards from family and friends. So to that I say THANK YOU!! During Christmas week we will leave a small gift outside for our mail man- a pair of gloves, a lotto ticket and a gift card for coffee. All fun things he can put in his pocket and take along with him.
Your kids will love decorating the mail box with pretty bows and wrapping paper. Help them make a thank you card, or sign to attach to the box. Have them help you wrap each small gift and let them leave it in the mailbox for your carrier to find! This is a great way to teach kids that no job is insignificant.
Thank you for sharing the last 12 days with me! I appreciate ALL OF YOUÂ reading along and taking the time to share your comments. You have brightened my days and I enjoy sharing the Christmas spirit with you!! I’ll see you all again next week when I return to my regularly scheduled Wednesday post and Friday Favorites!
Related posts:
On The First Day Of Service Host A Food Drive
On The Second Day of Service Host A Coat Drive
On The Third Day of Service Make A Special Delivery
On The Fourth Day of Service Send Some Cheer
On The Fifth Day of Service Give Some Swag
On The Sixth Day of Service Rise Together
On The Seventh Day of Service Make A Furry Friend
On The Eighth Day of Service Express Your Gratitude
On The Ninth Day of Service Share Your Spirit
On The Tenth Day of Service Give the Gift of Your Best Self
On The Eleventh Day of Service Give A Stranger Warmth
The Whatever Mom is a full time wife and twin mama living on coffee and wine. She enjoys the pure rush of cleaning the BIG potty between loads of laundry. It is her dream that moms everywhere accept and embrace the Whatever Mom philosophy which can be found here.
Find more from Roxanne at Hudson Valley Parent and at Masshole Mommy
Awww that is such a good idea and great fun decorating with your kids. I surprised my mail woman this morning with a box of chocolates and I received a lovely hug 🙂 x
Oh yes, the post men shouldn’t be forgotten. I love this idea!
Absolutely love this idea! We’d have so much fun doing this together. I remember so many special things my mom did with us kids that have stuck with me after all these years. Really love the countdown you have here, It’s so nice to see!
Thank you so much for reading along and taking the time to share your kind words! 😉
I think this is a lovely idea and it really helps strengthen your bond and understanding of one another. Loved this series..
Thanks so much for reading along!!! 🙂
That is an awesome idea! And one I think my kids would absolutely love to do. We haven’t gotten anything for our mailman before, but he is a very nice gentleman, perhaps we should!
Sounds like such a great idea! I wish we still had a mailbox and weren’t now in a townhouse. This is a fun idea!
What a lovely way to show appreciation for those who are in service. It’s helps me thinking now to do the same appreciation to our mail man or garbage collectors.
What a lovely idea to appreciate those who are in service. It helps me thinking now what appreciation can I give now to our mail man or our garbage collectors.
I have totally enjoyed your days of service! It sounds like you have a husband that knows the meaning of family. I will be putting a gift card out for my mail person. Thank you for the reminder.
Thanks for reading along!! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
LOVE the idea of leaving small gifts through december! Much better than one gift and done. The lotto ticket is genius! Totally stealing that idea!
Decorating the mail box is such a cute idea. I’m going to share with my mom (I’m in an apartment). Cheers!
I’ve always wanted to reward our mailman for a job well done…he’s so thoughtful. One year I wanted to give a big box of candy but didn’t want to feel the pressure of doing something similar every year. Maybe we can start with holiday cards – it’s the thought that counts.
Oh that is so awesome! I absolutely love that you’re committing to service this season!
This is such a wonderful idea! I don’t know why I never thought to leave gloves. 🙂
Thank you for sharing kindness!