Our nine days of service have included some great experiences to share with the kids. I hope you enjoy the simplicity and are inspired to find creative ways to include your kids in service to others. Now, I am going to suggest you give back in a way only YOU can. Give a friend, a neighbor, or a stranger your best self.

How can you help?

  1. See another mom at school drop off who looks overwhelmed? Ask her out for coffee. As moms we don’t take the time for ourselves, we so easily give it way. But, if we schedule time with someone else we are more apt to follow through. Connecting over coffee will give both of you time to recharge.
  2. See a neighbor who lives alone? Don’t just drop off a note, knock on the door. Invite them over for tea and chat for a while. If they aren’t able to make it out of the house take them a meal and stay a while to talk. Giving someone your full attention even for fifteen minutes of small talk could mean the world to them.
  3. See someone who needs a shopping cart? Offer them yours. Give them a big smile and wish them a great day. The thoughtfulness of strangers can be very uplifting.
  4. Is there someone you miss talking to? Put away the to-do list and pick up the phone. Give them a call and check in. Ask how they are doing and find out what’s new. You’ll be glad you took the time to catch up.
  5. Look at people’s faces while standing in line at the grocery store. Talk to them about the weather. Notice something about them you like: a scarf, a pin, their shoes and give them a compliment. Talk to the cashier about how busy the store looks today and thank them for their service. It can be rare that someone tells us something nice about ourselves that even the smallest compliment can give us a boost.

I know all of my service posts have featured small acts with big impact. I’ve showed you how to package up gifts and cards and send them out to people in need. But, not all of us need material things. Some of us just need to be recognized. Some of us just need a little kindness in our day. Like a pebble dropped into the water the ripples travel outward until they join the current and create a big wave. Together we can start a tidal wave just by being our best selves this holiday.


Related posts:

On The First Day Of Service Host A Food Drive

On The Second Day of Service Host A Coat Drive

On The Third Day of Service Make A Special Delivery

On The Fourth Day of Service Send Some Cheer

On The Fifth Day of Service Give Some Swag

On The Sixth Day of Service Rise Together

On The Seventh Day of Service Make A Furry Friend

On The Eighth Day of Service Express Your Gratitude

On The Ninth Day of Service Share Your Spirit


The Whatever Mom is a full time wife and twin mama living on coffee and wine. She enjoys the pure rush of cleaning the BIG potty between loads of laundry. It is her dream that moms everywhere accept and embrace the Whatever Mom philosophy which can be found here.

Find more from Roxanne at Hudson Valley Parent and at Masshole Mommy

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30 Comments on On the Tenth Day of Service Give the Gift of Your Best Self

  1. You are right. My elderly next door neighbor lost his wife over the summer and I was going to bring him some cookies, but I think maybe I will bring him a meal or even invite him over to eat with us at our house.

  2. I thinking this is a great idea! Generally being aware of what others are doing, or may need, around us seems to be difficult in this day and age. I think often we are looking down instead of out around us.

  3. Very kind, generous ideas in here. There have been days where I had wished for someone to do one of these for me. But I being impossibly proud would never have accepted.

    • Thank you. I used to find it very hard to accept kindness from others. It took me many MANY years to realize that by not accepting what someone offers I keep from them the same good feeling I get when I give. 🙂 When someone pointed that out to me it totally changed my perspective (although still takes practice).

  4. This is another great post from you. Christmas is not just about gifts. You are already spreading the cheers with the little acts of kindness that you do everyday.

  5. I’ve always said that the biggest sacrifice one could make (other than their life, of course) is their time. Time is precious, and when we give it to others, that is the best most selfless thing we can do! I love this!

  6. It is so important to give back not just during the holidays, but all year long. I think it is great you and your family are making a difference in people’s lives. It is amazing how even the smallest bit of kindness can make someone’s day.

  7. I always always ALWAYS spread a little cheer when I’m talking to my cashier this time of year. I used to work in retail during the holidays and trust me…IT SUCKS! Any way I can bring a little happiness to their day is a great way to give back even if it’s very very small.

    • I used to work retail too! Picture it Christmas 1990 something… the year of the Tickle Me Elmo. It was a mad house that day and tears were shed. Changed me for life! 😉 I know how hard it is to work retail at Christmas! Thanks for sharing your kindness!

  8. Kindness is spreadable! I love your ideas. The other day at school one mom made a comment to the effect that she is the mom that forgot yet another important tidbit and was vocally berating herself. Another mom stepped up and told here she was ridiculous and reminded her of all the the does! This was just a quick moment as we were loading into cars for a field trip – but the words from the second mom totally changed the countenance of the first mom. Kindness changed her day.

    • I remember one day there was a single dad shopping with his daughters who were just giving him a run for his money. He was really trying to impart manners and good behavior. I simply said to him, “you’re doing a great job with those beautiful daughters of yours.” Immediately his demeanor changed and he felt a bit of pressure fade away. We chatted for a bit about parenthood and when I walked away I could tell all of us were feeling lighter. 🙂 I wasn’t in the best mood when I walked in, but it helped to find something to compliment someone else with.

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