So I am coming at you surrounded by my favorite friends. My pillows. No one comforts me like they do, and I don’t get to spend nearly enough time with them.
I am typically in bed around midnight and up for the day by 6 am. I still cannot fit in everything I need to in a day. So as a result of never getting enough sleep, and resisting down time, the exhaustion has caught up with me. If you look closely you will see the extra baggage under each eye. You don’t get a matching set like that from sitting around the spa eating bon-bons. Those are like hard earned badges awarded after years of surviving never ending tantrums and fevers and bed wetting (the kids not me).
Normally I’d push myself hard to make the invisible blogging deadline I create for myself, but tonight, I am taking the night off. I am slathered head to toe with linaments and ointments that promise a restful night’s sleep. I have my cozy cup of tea and my over due library book I keep meaning to read. I am ready for some peace and quiet.
Until next week when I bring you something much wittier and with better spell check, I bid you adieu.
The Whatever Mom is a twin mom learning to let go of perfection. She shares her real life struggles with parenting through her blog and contributes her time and talents as a writer to Hudson Valley Parent and Masshole Mommy. When she isn’t writing you can find her chugging coffee, folding laundry and not judging other parents. Don’t forget to subscribe via email so you never miss a blog post again! You can also find her work featured on Mamapedia
Good for you.. enjoy..
Thanks! I did! 🙂
We all need breaks sometimes and there is nothing wrong with taking one! I do it, too, from time to time.
Good for you!!! I think resting when needed is the key to longevity!
Sounds like you deserve this! I am always blown away by how much moms do in one day. Enjoy!
Before I was a mom I was pretty productive too and thought I was super busy. I was busy, but I didn’t have to do all of it towing two additional humans along for the ride. 😉
I have a hard time getting enough sleep, too. It’s so easy to stay up and relax when the kids are down for the night!
I know that kind of time to yourself is so precious you want it to last longer! lol
Good for you! Self care is always necessary. I give you credit for knowing when to take the night off.
I am noticing when I am feeling run down I’d better take some time to recharge, or I am never getting things done!
I know what you mean there are only so many hours in the day to get all the stuff done that I asked moms need to get accomplished .
I know! I have realized for me if I take the night off and recharge I can get more done the next day.
I love that you are taking the night off! We all need days off or it’ll catch up to us!
Once the exhaustion catches me is when I realize I should take the night off. I need to be better about taking time off BEFORE I get too exhausted! LOL
So much to experience, so little time to do so! Get some good rest, and start over tomorrow!
I will be much more productive after some time to rest!
Some of my favorites nights are those where I curl up in bed with tea or wine and a good book for show to watch. We all need a break sometimes.
I agree!
I often need a restart, or a mommy time out. A few times in the last couple weeks bedtime for the kids has come an hour early just so i didn’t kill anyone or lose my mind! Good for you for getting inwhat you need!
Yes to early bed time!!!
I haven’t done something like this in a VERY long time. I need to disconnect and get to bed early, my body for sure needs it, so does my soul.
Rest is definitely good for the soul!
Under whatever circumstances, I’m glad you were able to take a night off! Life is rough but you’ve got it girl!
I was just so happy to connect with a book and my cozy bed! lol
We have the same schedule! I am up until midnight, then wake up at 6am too. However, last night, I went to be at 9:30 and let go of doing the laundry!
Sometimes you gotta let something go in order to take care of yourself! As long as everyone has a clean pair of undies for the A.M. it’s all good! 😉
Having kids and working defiantly prevents me from having the proper 8-10 hours of sleep. Go you for having a cup of coffee and taking the night off.
I don’t think I’ve slept a full 8 hours in 7 years. Any extra I can get is a bonus!
Momma, you deserve that night off. You’ve worked so hard, from maintaining the house to maintaining your blog. This is all about taking time for yourself.
Exactly! Thank you- no one else gives me permission to take the night off. I have to be the one to do it!
I totally agree with taking a night off! Parenting children is mentally exhausting. At night, I love to just do NOTHING!
Ah…I wish there was time for me to do nothing. That’s why I took matters into my own hands and gave myself the night off! 😉
I need to make like you and pack it in too! A night off all snuggled in with my pillows sounds glorious!
Oh it was! Yes, take some time for just you!! You deserve it!
I SO agree with this! Sometimes you need to take a break. It’s hard to keep going at 100 mph all the time with kids, a husband, and the rest of your family depending on you.
Sometimes I am tired by just looking at my to-do list! 😉 Taking a little down time was really recharging!
Sometimes you just have to take a day off. I love it. We need to take a day off and just relax when we can.
I know how you feel about having an invisible blogging deadline. I think it’s great to have usually, but I have to learn to be flexible when life happens!
I am with you staying up late and having to get up early, but still not being able to fit it all in. It is tough to keep up a mom schedule and get enough sleep!
I sure need some time off!! I work 7 days a week two jobs and a blog it a lot and right now I am in need of a day off so I can just relax and enjoy myself a bit. We all need a day to ourselves once in a while 🙂
I feel ya, mama. Everyone needs a night off every now and then. Moms don’t get enough of them.
I agree! I usually get a night off when I am too sick to do anything else. Even that’s not really a “night off.” 😉