For months now people have been asking me what am I going to do with all “my time” once the girls go to school. Close friends, neighbors and even family have all asked me what my plans are now that my kids are in Kindergarten.
“It will be nice for you to get some time to yourself.”
“Now you can finally have some ME TIME.”
“So, what are you going to do with all of your time now?”
I know they all mean well and some are just making conversation, but it is quite dismissive of what fills up my time already. Guess what? I have worked from home for the last two years. Guess what I’ve been doing? Writing! Yep. This blog as well as contributing to a few other blogs AND freelance articles for local publications. So that means I have deadlines. I have a fledgling career (albeit a very low paying career). I have goals and *gasp* I am productive beyond motherhood!
A friend of mine (also a mom) told me once, “you need to do more than JUST be a mom.” Why is it once you become a stay at home mom all anyone can see is the stay at home part? Just a mom. Some days I wish I could be “just a mom.” Not that being a mom is without challenges, but then I’d at least be doing one job. Writing from home while simultaneously providing my own childcare is the most stressful gig I’ve ever had. How many moms have to make sandwiches while conducting a phone interview? Or potty train while on a conference call? I’m not talking taking a phone call while kids run amok. I’m talking sounding like an intelligent and focused professional while taking care of another human being. Nothing says I am capable and trustworthy quite like, “I’m sorry can you hold for a moment?” [addressing child] “didn’t I just say to stop smacking your sister with that? No, I’m not a stupid head, you are.”
So to all the curious folks who need to know more about how I spend my day, well here ya go:
The part everyone forgets that I do outside of my mom responsibilities. I work. Even though I have a home office and that is where I schedule myself for 4-5 hours each day, folks just see me at home. They think I am cooking and cleaning, not actually working. How else are you going to get top notch blog posts like this one? Hint: not while I’m folding socks! *wink*
This is how I spend the majority of my “me time.” Running my own blog is work. I am the head writer, marketer, tech support, photographer, idea creator and editor. I have meetings and conversations with advertisers. I have to design the website and promote it. I have all the behind the scenes things happening on a daily basis. I write three 800-1,000 word blog posts a week. If you think that sounds easy think back to high school English class. Remember how hard it was to just write one essay a month? Yeah, I do that three times a week for “me time.”
Once you become a parent, you are never alone. Just ask any parent who has ever tried to pee in silence. When you have to take the kids along to every appointment, errand or meeting you have to take the shit-show on the road. So the day after my kids went to school I scheduled my self for an eye exam. I sat alone with an iced coffee while I waited for the doctor. I moved freely and at near lightning speed from room to room. And I finished every single sentence I started because I didn’t need to instruct someone to sit on their bottom. It was glorious.
There are days I schedule myself in my office to, ya know, work. But when I need to run a quick errand it’s quick. I can get into the car alone, zip up to the corner store and zip back home faster than any Olympic track star. I don’t need to wrestle the kids into their car seats and then spend half an hour begging them to just get out of the car so I can go inside where they can interrupt me while I pee.
Self care is hard for anyone taking care of other human beings. But the more responsibilities you pile into one day the less time there is for self care. I often go without lunch, or shovel in kid left overs because there isn’t enough time for me to make meals for myself. Once I get the kids lunches on their plates I spend the next half hour dealing with their complaints and arguments about the quality of their lunch. By the time I realize I didn’t eat lunch it is 3:00 p.m. and I eat whatever I can grab. Now that the kids eat lunch at school, this allows me time sit down and enjoy a full meal. If you want to know what my life has been like for the last 5 years try eating a meal in a room full of chimpanzees throwing things at you.
Before my career as a mom I worked a 9-5 job. I often scheduled lunch dates with friends during my work day. Now, I make sure to schedule some time to see a friend. Working from home alone can be isolating and lonely. I miss having co-workers to talk to. I miss eating cake three times a week to celebrate birthdays. Now my co-workers are other moms living and working miles away in their own homes. We need time to connect and commiserate about our demanding little bosses. I need to know I’m not the only one trying to balance work and mom life.
There ya have it. This is how I have spent my time the last two weeks since school started. My house is still a mess. My laundry is still in piles and I still haven’t had a good mani pedi. I have typed several thousand words into my computer and I am no longer hangry. My kids are at school and I still don’t get “me time.” But I am getting time to recoup a little sanity after years of chaos.
The Whatever Mom is a twin mom learning to let go of perfection. She shares her real life struggles with parenting through her blog and contributes her time and talents as a writer to Hudson Valley Parent and Masshole Mommy. When she isn’t writing you can find her chugging coffee, folding laundry and not judging other parents. Don’t forget to subscribe via email so you never miss a blog post again! You can also find her work featured on Mamapedia and The Novice Mommy.
I’m usually free on Mondays, if you ever want to meet for lunch or something ! That’s MY one day of me time ???? but I almost cried when G had a high fever on Sunday and I realized she couldn’t go to school yesterday….. Lol
Oh no that’s hard when you are counting on getting time to yourself!! And then you have to wait another 7 whole days before it happens again!! Agh!
Haha love that “new glasses” is an example of what you can do “with all that me time” HAHAHA.
I know…it’s really sad! lol Not even an eye brow waxing… or a quick trip through Star Bucks. I get to enjoy a quick puff of air to the eye and a dude in my face asking me, “is this OK? How about now? This? Or This?” I feel SO REFRESHED!!! LOL
this may be off track but the thought of my son leaving home saddens me. Yes I want him to grow up and start his life. Yes i want him to fulfills dream adn soar. But most of all I want him to stay my little baby boy forever. I know I’m nuts.
Oh as for Me Time glad to see you are enjoying it a weebit. Here’s’ to your wonderful success as a writer.
It is funny when we learn what others think of how we spend our time… or the value they put on what we do…
We are empty nesters, we are have a lot of ME time. It’s actually amazing. LOL!
I’m sure it is amazing. I’ve accepted that as long as my kids are living under my roof there is no real “me time.”
Me time is super important for all of us. Steven Covey said we must “sharpen the saw” in order to be in top shape to care for our families.
SAHM is one of the biggest misnomers around…I was at home less in that role than a FT working one. And regardless of whether you work outside the home or not, all moms are working ones!
I absolutely agree!! Motherhood is a difficult job and then tossing in another job on top of that… oof!
Connecting with other moms is where i get weak at times. I get so focused on my kids and life that I forget how important it is to connect with them and pour into my relationships with them.
I am not a mom yet. But my mom was! She was much more than “just a mom”. She was SUPERWOMAN! Way to go, moms!
These are fun things to do during Me time. I love your new glasses.
I would love some extra time for myself. Being a WAHM means I’ve let myself go in the past few years. It’s so hard.
I love this! I totally get it. I don’t think people take writing as a career seriously (unfortunately), especially on a blog…
So much of this rang true for me! I joke that during the day I’m cleaning and cooking, and after school I’m the car pool driver. It’s hard.
Self care is important because you won’t be able to take care of your family when you’re not in good shape. I value my me-time a lot even if it means running errands or catching up on my blog.
Self care is so important! Good for you for recognizing it and giving yourself that time. 🙂
Ahhhh self care is so important!!! As a mom to a little
One I feel it can be hard to squeeze that time in, but I have to make it happen!
It’s amazing what people think you do when you work at home…like all you do all day is sit on the couch and eat pajamas
I love going on my alone time but haven’t been in a long time. I should ask my hubby about it, time to take care of myself!
These are great and I hope that you enjoy that time. Good luck with it and with the girls going to school.
I was a WAHM, a SAHM and a working outside of the home mom. It doesn’t matter which you are, there is always something to do! It never does slow down.
I don’t have a specific day for myself but sometimes i just like to take s random day off n do the things i want to. Blogging can. E consuming sometimes with kids their classes n routines.
I agree!
I’m not a mom, but I work from home. I love it. I know some people can get bored or feel lonely, but it doesn’t bother me (I guess it is where I was the only child). However, I still make time to go out during the week and weekends.